January - February - March 2021

A Word From The Publisher
Happy New Year, CIRCA readers! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday season, and are ready to welcome 2021 with open arms! I am excited to be kicking it off with our latest ed...

The Wonder Of Wake Forest
Whether you are a long-time resident, a relative newcomer, or a welcomed visitor, you already know that Wake Forest is a wonderfully charming town … but regardless if you ar...

Tex-Mex Casseroles
2020 was an interesting year for sure – while it certainly brought about some challenges, a silver lining was that it also brought with it more treasured family time. But this time...

Fragrant Flowers For The Winter Garden
Gardening is so many things, but mainly, it is a glorious employment of the senses. Sight, taste, touch, and smell – there’s so much to enjoy and experience. Smell, which sounds mo...

Cleaning Mistakes You Might Be Making
What’s worse than spending a whole day cleaning? Spending a whole day cleaning and ending up with a home that’s not even really clean – and quite possibly dirtier than when you sta...

When it comes to selling your home, knowing the secrets of selling is half the battle. With years of experience as a local realtor, I’m privy to these secrets – and I’m here to let...

A Sweet Treat For Winter
Recently, many coffee shops, restaurants, and bakeries have discovered the Italian coffee-based dessert drink Affogato. What is this exotic sounding treat, you say? Simply put – it...

Good Reads
Zoom calls. Remote learning. So much screen time. Why not give your eyes a rest from all that blue light exposure and instead, feast them on the pages of a good book? Winter’s here...

Love In A Jar
The holidays and their joyfully craft-filled days are now behind us and cold, wintry days lay before us. But for all you crafty DIYers out there, don’t despair! There many wonderfu...

Lessons Learned
As we enter a new year, we find ourselves anticipating what lies ahead. We also find ourselves reflecting on the past year that is now just a memory – and also pondering the lesson...

Driveable Destination
Vacationing in wintertime often consists of skis, snowboards, sweatshirts, and snowflakes – but sometimes we dream of a paradise getaway during these frigid months. I’m here to let...

To Build Or Not To Build?
As spring approaches, people often begin cleaning out their homes and thinking about making a transition into a new house. This is something that happens year after year in the rea...

Heart Health
As COVID-19 continues to impact people of all ages, researchers and physicians are working tirelessly to learn everything they can about the virus. COVID-19 brings so many question...

2021 Design Trends
As we ring in a new year, we naturally reflect on the one we just left behind – and 2020 was definitely one for the record books. COVID-19 changed the dynamics of our homes and urg...

Hidden Gem
Tucked away on 237 acres of land just south of Wake Forest is the Durant Nature Preserve. It’s easy to miss this nearby natural gem because both entrances are hidden from plain sig...

Dental Resolutions
Now that 2021 has arrived, it’s time to pick a new resolution that you are dedicated to keeping. This year, try to focus on your oral health. Stay motivated throughout the year to ...

Breast Health
Following an abnormal mammogram, women with certain types of abnormalities are typically referred for a stereotactic breast biopsy which can bring anxiety and uncertainty for many....

Winter Wines
Now that winter has arrived, you may find yourself facing a bit of a problem ... how to pick good winter wines in North Carolina? Well, I’m here to offer a solution. North Carolina...

Cooked In Tradition
Nothing says coziness in winter like a steaming bowl of savory soup. What’s more, there’s comfort in knowing that your bowl of soup is crafted from a trusted recipe used by generat...

Picking Apart Pink Eye
Winter has arrived, which means it is peak season for the spread of viruses and bacteria. Chances are that due to the pandemic, you are already being extra cautious and taking prev...

CBD ...What's All The Buzz?
CBD was Googled more times than Kayne West last year ... hard to believe I know. But it’s not that surprising when you consider the demand for natural alternatives to prescription ...

Winter Car Care
While colder temperatures, ice, snow, and slush sometimes come along with winter here in the Triangle, your car doesn’t have be in a deep freeze until the spring thaw. Consider the...

Our Heritage
You likely have driven on the Highway 98 Bypass around Wake Forest and seen the name “Dr. Calvin Jones.” But who was this man for which this North Carolina highway was named? Calv...