CBD ...What's All The Buzz?

CBD was Googled more times than Kayne West last year ... hard to believe I know. But it’s not that surprising when you consider the demand for natural alternatives to prescription medicines is fueling curiosity. All that demand has also created a lot of confusion – confusion about whether it is legal, if it’s safe, and most importantly, what it is.
To understand why everyone is talking about CBD – and why you should be too – let’s talk about what it does. CBD is one of the 100+ cannabinoids that can be found in the hemp plant, (yes, the one that also makes rope, paper, and clothing). It has very low THC (the most recognizable cannabinoid – the one in marijuana that causes a high) at less than .3% and has no psychoactive effect. CBD works with your Endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help regulate balance or homeostasis throughout your body. This system is made up of two primary receptors – CB1 and CB2 – and can be found throughout the body, including in the brain, muscles, bones, and immune system. CBD is being studied for the potential to treat anxiety, pain, inflammation, insomnia, and much more.
Now that you know CBD is not marijuana and cannot get you high, why all the buzz? Over the past few decades, people have turned to pharmaceuticals to help them feel better and live longer. However, opioids that promised us all a more pain-free existence (who doesn’t want to have their wisdom teeth removed with zero pain?) can be incredibly addictive and have destroyed people’s lives.
Does that mean that all pharmaceuticals are bad? Absolutely not! (Full disclosure … I spent 18 years working for a pharmaceutical manufacturer.) But not all are good either, and some come with unfavorable side effects. This explains why many are searching for more natural alternatives. Hence, why the demand for CBD has been so great. The three primary reasons why people use CBD are:
– Alleviation of stress and anxiety;
– An active life, enjoyed with less pain and inflammation;
– Better sleep.
Alleviation OF Stress and Anxiety
Many of us (myself included – I am 49) grew up in a world without the Internet, email, and social media, and when you left office at the end of the day, the work didn’t follow you home. In contrast, today nothing shuts down. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email – they are always on and keeping our minds constantly going. Customers who use CBD report that it calms the mind and helps with mild or temporary anxiety.
Less Pain AND Inflammation
We all want more out of life and to be able to enjoy an active lifestyle. Exercise and a healthy diet have proven to decrease diseases like heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes, to name a few. But exercise and activity can eventually result in pain. CBD works with the ECS to relieve pain and inflammation from the inside out when taken orally or sublingually, and from the outside in with a topical pain reliever. CBD users report that it helps to relieve pain and inflammation and allows them to live a more active life.
Better Sleep
Why are Americans spending $52 billion trying to get a better night’s sleep? Because one in four of us suffers from insomnia. When you consider how vital sleep is to recovery, mood, and vitality, insomnia is a big deal. Because the ECS helps regulate sleep cycles, CBD can be used before bed to help you get to sleep – and stay asleep. In conjunction with the CDC’s recommendations to exercise and limit caffeine and alcohol consumption, 89% of CBD users report a better night’s sleep.
Now you know the three primary reasons why people are talking about CBD and how it can help people stress less, move more, and sleep better. Please keep in mind that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as I write this, the evidence will continue to evolve. This evolution will eventually bring regulation; in the meantime, where you buy your CBD matters. To ensure purity, potency, and safety:
– Ensure the product is covered by a third party laboratory analysis confirming it is free of molds, mycotoxins, pesticides, and heavy metals and has the promised potency (mg/dose).
– Select manufacturers that both cultivate the crop and manufacture the products. This end-to-end process can provide higher quality as they control the complete process from soil to oil.
Hopefully, I have piqued your curiosity about CBD, or at least answered a few questions and debunked a few myths. The exciting part is that natural alternatives are here. I believe that we can, and should, be more present for our friends and families and live a life that exceeds that of previous generations through natural wellness.
Nick Pione
A local business owner, blog writer, and natural wellness expert. He co-founded Trek CBD and contributes to medium.com and trekcbd.com.