October - November - December 2018

A Word From The Publisher
Fall-la-la-la-la! Happy fall-idays! As you can see, I have fallen in love with autumnal puns just as much as I have fallen in love with the season itself (this little bit of humor ...

A Fun-Filled Fall In The Forest
Looking for family fun this fall? The Town of Wake Forest has an exciting lineup of free community events and affordable entertainment options scheduled through the end of the year...

Nature's Decorating Bounty
It’s that time of year again – the season when we start dreaming of holiday decorating. Thankfully Mother Nature provides us with an abundance of decorating elements this time of y...

Driveable Destination
This is a story straight from It’s a Wonderful Life, that ever-present Christmas classic about the important ways one life touches so many others. But with no George Bailey to save...

Navigating The Season's Sweets And Treats
When your child or teen has braces, the fall season – with the State Fair, Halloween, Christmas, and Hanukkah, and the endless sweet treats that come with them – can seem a bit ove...

Sweet Dreams
Many of us joke about being sleep-deprived – especially this time of year with the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday season – but the condition puts a major damper on quality o...

’Tis The Season
Can you believe that the Christmas season is just around the corner? Soon we will be immersed in the hustle and bustle of shopping, baking, and holiday parties. It’s easy to get lo...

Hidden Gems
Fall is the perfect time to enjoy crisp cool evenings with family and friends, and the upcoming holiday season is the perfect time to make memories with loved ones. If you’re looki...

Good Reads
The holiday season is a time to shower those we love with thoughtful and meaningful gifts … but sometimes shopping for the perfect present for that special someone can be su...

Petite Sweets
It’s hard to believe that the holidays are almost here. They sure do have a way of sneaking up on us. No doubt you are already planning your holiday entertaining schedule, includin...

Sneak Peak
Now that the 2018 summer season has shaded into autumn, the amount of evenings spent outside on the patio has begun to dwindle down. If you’re looking to get the most out of your y...

Sleep Relief
Do you ever wake up from a full night’s sleep and still feel tired? Maybe you find yourself gasping for breath during the night or battle insomnia. The fact is, you may actually ha...

Estate Planning Essentials
I’m sure you have said to yourself “I really don’t want to do this. It’s not fun. I’ll do it later.” We should prioritize the things we want to do, could do, and have to do as this...

Easy Breezy Holidays
Here it is – time to plan for all the fun and festivities we love over the next few months. And, as usual, your delicious and beautiful ideas for food, decorating, party-going, and...

Road Trip Ready
Are you traveling this holiday season? For many families, holiday travel means long hours in the car. A little preparation and organization can make all the difference for your nex...

Happy Holidays
The holidays are all about peace and joy … until they’re not. If you find your anxiety levels rising as the holidays and their inevitable hustle and bustle approach, here ar...

The Christmas Tree Tradition
Christmas brings about many wonderful traditions – Christmas Eve service, Salvation Army bells, helping others, stuffing stockings, baking cookies, holiday decorating, and writing ...

Sometimes Less Is More
It’s hard to believe that summer has already come to a close and we have turned the corner into the last quarter of 2018. Anyone else feel like they went straight from announcing t...

Driveable Destination
Black coats, white vests, and gaudy holiday ties brightened Wake Forest’s streets back in the days when college boys displayed their Christmas finery to impress the townspeople’s d...

Step Up Your Game
With fall sports in full swing, do you find yourself wanting to improve your game? You’re probably already doing a lot of what’s required to get stronger, faster, and more accurate...

Changing With The Seasons
October brings cooler days and crisper nights. The summer, with its heat, water activities, and lazy days make way for falling leaves, footballs games, and holidays. While I love s...

Our Heritage Revisited
Regular walkers along North Main Street in Wake Forest the past few years have no doubt enjoyed the birth and growth into adolescence of a perennial garden on the south side of the...