July - August - September

A Word From The Publisher
Summer has arrived! Although high temperatures, longer days, and fun activities have been here for a while already, summer has officially made its entrance, and I for one am very e...

An Unforgettable Summer In The Forest
Summer’s here and that means it’s time for some fun! But where should you go and what should you do? Look no further than right here, because Wake Forest has a second-to-none lineu...

Wedding Day DIY
Summer is the season of love. From wedding showers to the actual wedding, summertime is prime time to celebrate the union of loved ones. While traditional wedding aspects are very ...

Grilling Up A Summer Feast
There it is! Did you catch that waft of smoky goodness? The smoky goodness that lets us know that summer is here, and it’s in full swing. Yes, summer is here, so let the lighting o...

A Succulent Summer
It’s finally summertime in North Carolina, y’all! The days are longer, the temps are rising, and so is the humidity. What does this mean for our succulents? So much! We need to tal...

Summer Break
Even if you’re an outdoor-living kind of family, summer brings new home-cleaning priorities – especially if you have kids home from school. Some spaces and regular tasks need more ...

Swim Safely
You may have heard terrifying stories of children dying long after being submerged in water. With summer here and many hours spent around water, here’s what you should know about “...

Outdoor Retreat
As homeowners here in our area want to enjoy the glorious North Carolina weather and thus, are considering outdoor living more literally, they are moving past traditional backyard ...

Getting Into High Gear
Drivers are conditioned to look for other large vehicles on the road, especially when changing lanes and making turns. But with so many motorcycles on the road, especially during t...

Driveable Destinations
Pittsboro is where the beautiful Chatham County Courthouse rises from a traffic circle so famous it earned the town the nickname “The Circle City.” This is a locale with a clear id...

The Doctor Will See You Now
You take a pregnancy test at home … and it’s positive. Now what? The questions start running through your head: What should you be eating or not eating? Can you continue you...

Old Furniture ... New Treasures
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” These timeless words of Teddy Roosevelt could be the mantra for the modern decorator. It seems that the American dream has evo...

Hidden Gems
Just a few pages prior, you were introduced to the “Driveable Destination” jewel that is Pittsboro. If you are now finding yourself longing to escape to this nearby town and enjoy ...

The Hidden Signs Of TMJ
Are you one of the many who suffer from frequent headaches, migraines, vertigo, ear pain, or sinus pressure? Are you tired of taking pills that may have long-term effects on your o...

Good Reads
Your long-awaited trip to one of North Carolina’s magnificent beaches is finally here. You’ve almost finished packing and are going through the checklist one last time to make sure...

The Wall That Heals
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. is a symbol of America’s honor, recognizing the more than 3 million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietn...

Simple Summer Style
The birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. Yes, summer is here. This time of year allows us to enjoy the outdoors and the wonder of nature, with its glorious smells and co...

Making The Most Of Labor Day
For most Americans, Labor Day means one last day off before summer seemingly goes away forever (don’t worry, it’ll be back). But while celebrating, we should also take a moment to ...

Ditch The Drops
Are you one of the estimated 20.7 million people in the United States who suffers from chronic dry eye? If the answer is yes, then you know all too well how frustrating it can be t...

You Are Enough
I see you moms out there. I see you at the grocery store, pushing your baby in the cart, begging your toddler to stay close as you rush down the aisles, only to get home and realiz...

Brace Yourself
Choosing to get braces means choosing to have a perfect smile. After spending your time and money on perfect teeth, the last thing you want is to have them ruined with stains and d...

Moments And Memories
We are knee-deep in summer here in North Carolina. Lazy days, sun and water activities, and time together with family and friends fill our days. We are engaged in moments that crea...

Our Heritage Revisited
The ways of time are often difficult for us to comprehend and accept, especially when in the name of progress, we turn beauty into sorrow. In northwestern Wake county, just southwe...