Wake Forest Outdoors
Spring Into A Season Of Fun In The Forest

The Town of Wake Forest is offering a wonderful array of fun and exciting events over the next few months that are guaranteed to help you shake the winter blues and celebrate the return of spring. From Friday Night on White and Six Sundays in Spring to Music at Midday and Family Movie Nights at Joyner Park, there’s no shortage of first-class entertainment – all at no cost to you! For complete details on all these events, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Wake Forest Outdoors.”
Due to Governor Roy Cooper’s recent recommendations, some of these events may be affected. Please check wakeforestnc.gov for any possible changes, cancellations, or postponements.
Friday Night on White
Friday Night on White (FNOW) returns to historic Downtown Wake Forest on May 8 with Sleeping Booty, then continues the second Friday night of each month through September. FNOW takes place along S. White Street from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. The 2020 series continues June 12 with Soul Psychedelique, July 10 with Love Tribe, August 14 with Big Love, and September 11 with Crush. While you’re enjoying the music, be sure to visit sponsor exhibits and enjoy delicious food at outstanding dining establishments in Downtown or from several food trucks that will be on-site. A special thank you to White Street Brewing Co., the Grand Sponsor for the fifth consecutive year. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Friday Night on White.”
Flag Raising Ceremonies
From May through October, area residents are invited to attend Wake Forest’s monthly flag-raising ceremonies. Presented by several local veterans’ organizations, these observances honor the sacrifices of deceased Wake Forest veterans and their families. The services take place in Town Hall’s Centennial Plaza at 11:00 AM, typically on the first Monday of each month. Each ceremony includes patriotic songs, special remarks, a memorial wreath laying, and the ceremonial flag-raising. The services are provided at no cost and are intended solely to honor departed veterans and their families. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Flag-Raising.”
First Friday Flix, Flix4Kidz, and Free at 3
The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts, located at 405 S. Brooks Street, offers a variety of free movie showings each month starting in May for area residents of all ages. On the first Friday of each month at 7:00 PM, the Renaissance Centre hosts “Free Friday Flix.” Free and open to the public, these movie screenings feature a variety of film favorites and genres, including comedies, dramas, thrillers, and more. Then, on the second Monday of each month at 10:30 AM, the Renaissance Centre offers “Flix4kidz.” Intended for children 12 and under, flix4kidz features only G or PG-rated children’s and family films. Finally, there’s “Free at 3” on the second Monday of each month at 3:00 PM. Designed for adults ages 50 and over, Free at 3 features a variety of film favorites and genres, including art and family films, as well as comedies, dramas, thrillers, and more. Again, all of these movie showings are free and open to the public. For more information, visit wakeforestrencen.org.
Six Sundays in Spring
Grab your picnic blanket and lawn chair and head to E. Carroll Joyner Park (701 Harris Road) for the 2020 Six Sundays in Spring concert series. Scheduled from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM on consecutive Sundays from May 3 through May 31, these free outdoor concerts offer something for all music lovers. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase or bring your own picnic. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Six Sundays.”
Music at Midday
On Thursday, May 14 and Thursday, May 21, enjoy live performances by local music artists from noon – 1:00 PM in Town Hall’s Centennial Plaza. Assorted dessert food truck vendors will be on-site during each concert. Bring your lunch and come enjoy the entertainment while experiencing springtime in beautiful Downtown Wake Forest. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Midday Music.”
Family Movie Nights
The PRCR Department is delighted to of-fer Family Movie Nights at Joyner Park, presented by Thomas Walters Allstate; Bumgarner & Martin Orthodontics; Arrow Church; Howard, Perry & Walston – The Abshire Team; and Mosquito Joe. Movie showings are scheduled for May 23 (The Little Mermaid), June 20 (The Secret Life of Pets 2), July 25 (Spiderman Into the Spider-Verse), and August 8 (Aladdin – Live Action). Family Movie Nights will also include movie-related pre-show activities beginning at 7:15 PM. Showtime is 8:30 PM and admission is free. Assorted food vendors will be on-site selling snacks and beverages. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Movie Nights.”
Historic Cemetery Walking Tour
The Historic Wake Forest Cemetery Walking Tour offers unique insight into the lives of Wake Forest residents from generations past. Free and open to the public, this year’s tour is Saturday, May 9, from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, at the Wake Forest Cemetery, 400 N. White Street. Parking is available within the cemetery grounds. Volunteer docents are needed on the day of the event to stand or sit at various tour locations and recount the lives, accomplishments, and contributions of our historic and notable cemetery residents. For more information, contact Alan O’Shaughnessy at ncalano@aol.com or visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Cemetery Tour.”
National Trails Day
Wake Forest will celebrate National Trails Day on Saturday, June 6, from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM at E. Carroll Joyner Park. This event will include a 5K race as well as a free Environmental Education Expo featuring interactive learning stations. You can also join a free yoga class at the Joyner Park Amphitheater at 10:15 AM. In addition, National Trails Day will feature a variety of stations throughout the park, offering both children and adults a unique opportunity to experience the wonders of nature while learning about the environment. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “National Trails Day.”
Wake Forest Charity Car Show
The Wake Forest Charity Car Show is Saturday, June 20, from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Presented by Wake Forest Downtown, Inc., the event will take place along S. White Street in Downtown Wake Forest. Benefiting several area charities, this free event will showcase vehicles of all makes and models, including muscle cars, sports cars, pony cars, classic and antique autos, street rods, and trucks. Visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Car Show.”
Stay Connected!
Always be the first to know about Town of Wake Forest announcements, programs, and special events by signing up for E-Notifier, downloading the Town of Wake Forest app, visiting the Town’s website, or following the Town on social media @TownofWakeForest. For complete details, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Communications.”
Town of Wake Forest
To learn more about town events, sponsorship opportunities and how you can get involved, contact Amanda Cochrane.
- acochrane@wakeforestnc.gov
- 919-435-9423