The Power Of Positivity
5 Tips On How To Incorporate Positive Thinking Into Your Marketing Strategy

Positivity is important for your mind and your spirit – and for all you marketing readers out there, your marketing. When you are marketing your business, your brand, or your product and/or service, your reflection on topics will be shown through your overall branding voice. Take social media, for example. The content that you post or that you share of someone else’s is seen by hundreds – if not thousands – of people and starts to become your professional voice if you are viewed as a professional in the community, either as a business owner or someone who has a public facing role.
Having positive thinking, a positive voice, and a motivational mindset will set you apart from others out there – and when tied into your overall marketing strategy for your brand, can help launch your brand into a powerful movement which becomes top-of-mind for your target demographic. Here are five tips and ideas on how to incorporate positive thinking in your marketing strategy.
1. Inspirational Quotes Through Social Media: Whether you post them each and every day, or choose an attainable schedule that keeps you consistent, utilizing inspirational quotes as part of your marketing and branding strategy will inspire people each time they see them. These quotes are easily shared by others who get to know you and your brand, and you’ll start to see this trend happening, without you even asking people to share them. This is because positivity is magnetic and when people feel inspired, they will want to share that feeling and emotion with others.
2. Align Your Brand With A Cause: By aligning yourself with a cause that you truly believe in and get excited about, you are able to both help others with that cause and work towards inspiring others to get involved as well. Many people don’t like to post these moments of helping others on social media or through email campaigns, and even say “no” to news interviews, for risk of looking like they are doing these efforts for show. If this resonates with you, keep in mind that these moments should be used to motivate and inspire others. This is positive marketing as a goal to rally other people who are like-minded and want to help others, and your brand is the vehicle to make that happen. If your brand has a large following and audience, you are able to use that audience to get the attention that this cause you are working with deserves.
3. Share Inspirational Stories: You decide the avenue that works for you, whether it be through video or blogging, preferably on your business website or Facebook page. Have a campaign around helping others, making an impact in the community, helping other business owners, those looking to get into your industry, etc. Share stories pertaining to business or intertwine personal and work life. Perhaps you can share an inspirational story on how you overcame obstacles when you first went into business, or how you handled objection when you first got started. If you’re not a business owner, you can share a story on how you handled specific interview questions. We all have something that we can share with other people to inspire and motivate them – use your voice to help others!
4. Work With A Non-Profit: If you know of a non-profit that can benefit from your products or services, work with them to establish a win-win for the benefit of both your company and their organization. When this is done with an open mind and positive thinking, a goal of a marketing campaign can be planned and executed around the partnership for the common good of all involved.
5. Be Thankful … And Share It: Share on social media each day for what you are thankful or grateful. This has an immediate impact on your audience, your family, your friends, your colleagues – and yourself. When you stop each and every day and think about for what you are most thankful, you open your heart and mind to the “little things” and to truly what life is all about. Pausing and reflecting on what we are all thankful for is great for both our business lives and our personal lives. Let those around us – our coworkers, our family, our friends, our clients, our prospects, our vendors – know how much we truly appreciate them. Also, being in front of the camera each day and sharing a vulnerable moment lets people get to know you, like you, and trust you, and keeps you top of mind when they need your product or service. We all know that the more you can get in front of your customer (or prospect) the better – and this is a great way to do it without having to sell anything.
Now that you have the tools to be more positive in your marketing strategy, have fun, engage, and make it happen.
Mauranda Dalziel
Founder and CEO of Gather Group & Co., a full service marketing firm located in Wake Forest.
- 919-446-5511