The New Appreciation Of The Old

Shiny and new has taken a backseat to the chippy, weathered, and worn when it comes to desirable home décor. Now more than ever, the most sought-after items are those one-of-a-kind, history-having pieces that will last a lifetime, and the Triangle is one of the best places to find and furnish your home with these vintage treasures.
Unlike their brand-new counterparts, vintage pieces are unique. There isn’t another one just like it. No one else can get it. It becomes a unique expression of your tastes, personality, and decorating vision that makes your home distinctive, and each little chip or imperfection tells a story of days gone by. The history and tales that these items tell give incremental value that transcends their functional purposes, and the longevity of their use is a testament to the craftsmanship and quality with which they were made.
Many times, these pieces have been overlooked and neglected until someone comes along to rescue and resuscitate them from their past and give them a brand new life in a different form. An old minnow trap re-purposed into a lighting fixture; an old library card catalog from the days of the Dewey-Decimal System re-imagined into an in-home storage and display piece; corbels, porch posts, and architecture salvaged from historic homes used for design accents. These are just a few examples of re-imagined and re-purposed vintage items showcased in on-trend and current interior design.
This resurgence of the old over the new is not limited to home décor. Vintage clothing and jewelry are also making a comeback in preference over their newly-made equivalents. More often of late, jewelry and clothing are becoming conversation starters, and the topic of conversation is the history behind the piece of the stories of those who had it last.
There is something positive to be said about the shift in perceived value away from the unblemished, cookie-cutter, and brand-new and toward the charming yet imperfect furnishings and fashion from the past. It should be comforting to us that, collectively, we are agreeing that newness is not equivalent to worth and that blemishes are beautiful. In this trend, age, chips, and wear are character-enhancing, add personality, and should be admired because they are a part the story of its uniqueness. May we continue to appreciate the history, imperfect intricacies, and personality of what we surround ourselves with in our homes, and may that same sentiment continue in the way we view and embrace each other.
Vintage Market Days® of the N.C. Triangle plays host twice per year to some of the best and most-curated vintage vendors from the local Triangle area and all across the United States. This upscale vintage-inspired market features original art, antiques, clothing, jewelry, handmade treasures, home décor, outdoor furnishings, consumable yummies, seasonal plantings, and more. The next event will be held May 10-12, 2019 at the N.C. State Fairgrounds Jim Graham Building, and will host well over 100 different vendors. Tickets can be purchased at or at the event entrance. Follow them on Facebook @ Vintage Market Days of the N.C. Triangle or on Instagram @vintagemarketdaysnctriangle.
Chad and Rachel Lynam
Chad and Rachel Lynam, owners of Vintage Market Days® of the N.C. Triangle, are a husband and wife team, parents of a sweet little boy named William, and people-loving enthusiasts of all things vintage. They started their dream of hosting these events to create a context for people to gather who have a similar love for the things (and people) that are slightly worn but better for it.