Mark Your Calendars
Exciting Events To Kick Off A Fun-Filled 2024

The Town of Wake Forest is excited about the year ahead, so grab your calendars and let’s start planning for 2024! We have an amazing array of events scheduled to help you stay engaged and active. From musical performances and educational opportunities to film festivals and community celebrations, there’s always something for everyone.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration
Several local churches and community organizations are coming together to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during a free, public celebration on Thursday, January 18. Area residents are invited to attend the observance at 6:30 PM at Friendship Chapel Baptist Church, located at 237 Friendship Chapel Road. The event’s theme will center around one of King’s messages – “Be the peace you wish to see in the world.” The Wake Forest MLK Committee will offer a slate of contests for students in the Wake Forest and Rolesville schools to recognize their talents. Based on this year’s theme, the contests involve creative performance, writing, and art. For more information, visit and search “MLK.”
Mesmerizing Magic with Jason Hudy
Mystery. Intrigue. Comedy. Bewilderment. The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, located at 405 S. Brooks Street, is pleased to present Jason Hudy’s “Mesmerizing Magic” on Saturday, January 27, at 7:30 PM. This exciting experience will transport you into the intricate world of magic and illusion. Promising to leave you breathless, this spellbinding one-of-a-kind performance will redefine your idea of what a magic show is. Tickets are $25. For more information, visit
Black History Month
February is Black History Month, and the Wake Forest Historic Preservation Commission is celebrating by partnering with the Wake Forest Historical Museum to offer historic walking tours throughout the Northeast Community. Along the way, each tour group will discuss the developmental and architectural history of the area, along with the significant men and women who shaped it. These events are free and open to everyone, but pre-registration is required. To learn more, visit and search “Black History Month.”
State of the Town Address & Dinner
The 2024 Wake Forest State of the Town Address & Dinner is scheduled for Monday, February 19, at 6:00 PM at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre. Since 2009, the Town of Wake Forest has partnered with the Wake Forest Rotary Club to sponsor this annual event on the third Monday in February. The occasion offers Wake Forest citizens the opportunity to reflect on the Town’s list of accomplishments during the previous year and learn about its goals in the coming months. Tickets are $15 each, including dinner. The mayor’s address will be recorded and replayed daily throughout March on WFTV 10. It will also be available on demand on the Town website. For more information, visit and search “State of the Town.”
Jackie Robinson – A Game Apart
Join us on Saturday, February 24, for two special performances of “Jackie Robinson: A Game Apart.” The Alston-Massenburg Center, located at 416 N. Taylor Street, will host the 11:00 AM show, while the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre will be the site of the 7:00 PM performance. “A Game Apart” offers a glimpse into Jackie Robinson’s life during a bygone era of separate and unequal locker rooms, whites-only hotels, and restaurants with only a back door entrance. Led by actor and playwright Mike Wiley, “A Game Apart” – suitable for all ages – is a powerful lesson of courage through dedication, perseverance, and leadership. Admission is free, but seating is first come, first serve, so plan to arrive early. For more information, visit
Wake Forest Film Festival
Mark your calendars for the Fifth Annual Wake Forest Film Festival on Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre. The Wake Forest Film Festival will spotlight passionate, creative, and thought-provoking movies by some of today’s most promising and accomplished local, national, and international filmmakers. The two-day film showcase will engage audiences with films of all lengths and genres. Intended for both the general public and film professionals, the film festival is an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their works in a unique location to a discerning audience. Tickets are $20 plus tax for both days. For more information, visit
Easter Egg Hunt
Save the date for the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department’s annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23. The celebration will feature music, fun, a visit from the Easter Bunny, and more. Details coming soon! Visit and search “Egg Hunt.”
Friday Night on White
Friday Night on White returns to downtown Wake Forest in 2024 for another incredible season! This year’s FNOW dates are April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, and September 13. The free concerts are scheduled from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM along S. White Street in historic downtown Wake Forest and feature a variety of popular local bands. To stay up to date on Friday Night on White, visit and search “Friday Night on White.”
Stay Connected
Always be the first to know about Town of Wake Forest programs, services, and special events by signing up for E-Notifier, downloading the Town app, visiting the Wake Forest website, and/or following the Town on social media @TownofWakeForest. For complete details, visit and search “Communications.”
Town of Wake Forest
To learn more about town events, sponsorship opportunities and how you can get involved, contact Amanda Cochrane.
- 919-435-9423