Fall Into A Wellness Routine

Mmmm … you can almost taste the hot apple cider and pumpkin spice. Soon the scent of cookies will fill the air – and our stomachs. Instead of counting calories this season, try counting opportunities for wellness. Beautiful fall weather brings a chance to hit the trails, tackle yard projects, and socialize with friends at a bonfire. Wellness is not exclusively found in the gym and is more than just physical activity. It plays a role in our overall well-being, including the emotional, occupational, intellectual, environmental, financial, physical, social, and spiritual aspects.
So, how do we ensure we are well-rounded in our wellness routine instead of our waistline? Be intentional and proactive. Taking care of ourselves is an ongoing process that requires frequent check-ins to make sure we aren’t off balance. Try not to spend too much energy on one area of wellness that you neglect all the others. This fall, find a rhythm that works for you – one that builds resilience. Give yourself credit for the wellness activities you are already doing well and find ways to improve the others.
Consider the following when evaluating your wellness balance.
– Emotional and Social: If you discover that you are experiencing increased levels of stress as your social calendar gets overloaded, minimizing the time you have to complete the activities you wish you had time for, then your wellness scale is off balance.
– Occupational: What we occupy our time with – our habits, our roles, and the contributions we make to our families and society – provides a sense of purpose and gives meaning to every day. It’s not just a profession, it’s what we do with our lives.
– Intellectual and Environmental: How we use our minds and the environment we surround ourselves with can be invigorating or deteriorating. Challenge yourself to learn new things. Put healthy boundaries in place to create an environment you don’t just survive in, but thrive in.
– Financial and Spiritual: Finding peace spiritually and financially can make the outlook on our week feel much different than if these areas of wellness were off balance. Being generous, with our finances or our spirit, pays back in dividends.
– Physical: When you can’t find 10 minutes to take a walk and get some fresh air because that deadline is creeping up on you, it’s time to tip the balance back.
Seemingly small activities like taking a walk with a friend who needs support or having your morning cup of coffee are all a part of your wellness routine. Don’t wait for the countdown at midnight on the 31st of December. Fall into your rhythm of resilience and wellness today.
Kristina Wolfe
Founder and owner of Prosper PT & Wellness.
- kristina@prosperptnc.com
- prosperptnc.com
- 919-228-9313