A End To The Ouch

You Don't Have To Suffer From Sensitive Teeth

Brrrr! It’s cold out there! Yes, colder temperatures and wintry weather are upon us. As you bundle up to head outside, think of all the preventive measures you take to stay warm and protect your skin from the elements. Do you do the same for your teeth? A new survey of U.S. dental offices found that one in eight people have over-sensitive teeth. If ice cream or coffee make your teeth hurt, you might be one of those. 

Sensitivity often occurs when enamel on the outside of the tooth wears away, exposing small tubes that connect nerves inside the tooth to triggers outside of the tooth. 

So, what can you do about it?
– Take care of your tooth enamel, the hard, protective layer that helps your teeth deal with everyday occurrences. Brushing too hard could be wearing away your enamel. To prevent this, use a soft-bristled brush at a 45-degree angle to help keep enamel clean and strong. 
– Avoid acidic foods and drinks such as soda, sticky candy, and high-sugar carbs. Stick to healthy snacks like cheese, milk, yogurt, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. These snacks will help moisten your mouth and fight the acid and bacteria.
– Life stressors can cause grinding, which wears away your enamel. If you notice soreness from clenching at nighttime, talk to your dentist about getting fitted for a mouth guard. 
– Take a break from teeth whitening. Sensitivity caused by whitening is usually temporary, but can cause major discomfort.

In some instances, tooth sensitivity can be a sign of more serious issues such as shrinking gums or gum disease. At your next dental cleaning, talk to your dentist about any sensitivity you are experiencing – it never hurts to ask!